Community, Collaboration and Change…
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” — Henry Ford
Following this train of thought, the Ignitus family blissfully announces the news of its collaboration with Woo-Tech.
Well, Ignitus?
Ignitus is an initiative for global opportunities, career guidance and networking. It provides with a platform to bring the best out of everyone. Seems exciting, isn’t it? If you are a student and looking for internships or you want to do research; if you want to teach or want to work at gender equality , then this is the right place for you !
And Woo-Tech?
Woo-Tech, standing for Women Wooing Technology hopes to provide a mentorship platform to all the women out there in technology and guide them in their career.
With an aspiration to overpower the gender inequality which is still in existence, the two communities have decided to work together and launch a program. This is open to all the females regardless of their profession. They will be getting opportunities to put their technical skills to proper use while being under the constant guidance of experienced people or they can also work as a mentor here. The encouragement and involvement of more number of women in the technological field is what this program aims to achieve. To work as a team, to inculcate the leadership skills and to be able to get proper experience and recognition out of one’s own work are the principles of this program. Even those with a knack for tech and the ones who are looking for guidance from skillful mentors are welcome to be a member of this initiative. Stay tuned for more updates !